Tuesday, 14 August 2012
The Old Sound Of Music
Monday, 18 June 2012
Holidays anyone? We are, from the coast of south Sardinia, here is something to cheer you up while you are enjoying that cocktail on the beach: a bunch of fresh producers, half hour of awesome music and a surprise!
aLLriGhT ReCorDs 4th release "Digital Riot - Jack your Body EP" is out now on all major digital stores. Enjoy the preview and support the label and Digital Riot by pushing that "Buy" button!
Digital Riot - Jack your Body EP [aLrT004] OUT 30/06/12 by aLLriGhT ReCorDs
Vassilis Sirone and Kostis Spud (left), from Greece, formed Digital Riot back in 2008 and for the past few years have been entertaining clubbers with their exciting mix of indie electro/pop. The list of DJ's they have been sharing decks with is a long one, with many big names, to quote a few Feadz from Ed Banger, Paul Devro Mad Decent and The Twelves from Kitsune, all I can say is WHOAAA!
This EP is their first official release as producers but their experience goes beyond that. Check their Soundcloud page to get a taste of their sound, remixes like the early 2012 Hurray’s “This is Nasty” remix or the more recent Hot Chip - Night and Day (Digital Riot 909 Dub) created for the “Beatport – Night and Day” remix contest, two awesome pieces... plus I love Hot Chip! (their latest album "In Our Heads" is the soundtrack of my summer this year. well done guys woop!)
Back to Digital Riot... These two guys are quite something! Personally I fell in love with their latest effort "Dawnse" out these days on Southern Fried Records... and the music speaks for itself. For their release on aLLriGhT ReCorDs, two hot original tracks “Jack your Body” a bass groovy ride, for indie electro lovers, and “I need U” with that house effect and a clear 80’s revival influence, good stuff!
Remixing: representing the label aLLriGhT rising the raving spirit with our “harp no mercy” edit of “Jack your Body” aLLriGhT Remix; and Digital Riot's fellow country men, 3dot and Dubplee with two remixes that stay true to Digital Riot’s nu-disco roots.
Finally, tonight there is going to be an "EP release party" in Athens (Greece). I know it’s a bit of a long shot for most of you, but for those who are from that area, or if you need to chill after that climb from the Agora' to the Parthenon, or if you are just there enjoying what one of the oldest cities in the world has to offer, well you are in for a treat! Join Digital Riot and friends for the "Jack Your Body E.P. Release Party @ CAMP" (click on link for details) for a magic summer night with lots of guest and what a better delight then listening to Jack your Body played by
Speak spoon aLLriGhT!
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
What? Listen! ... and usual nonesense
next time folks!
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Hooooot new releases !!!
Not a good day when ur bike let you down in the middle of a sunny ride, so stuck home tring to repair the motherfucker i was checking out some new tracks and previews from friends and thought i might share them to you since they're well worth.
First is the Informant's "Glowing up" EP...and in particular the track "Zero crossing" for which i recorded vocals for, with the lovely Afrodite ....A MASSIVE TUNE which got to be 1st on the top 5 dubstep releases of the week on beatport...and thats beating skrillex...now ...get that!
The second one is by newly formed
Robopunx (that includes produers robo bear and voodoo punx)...they got a ep coming out on royal one records....a big EP on my opinion...check the preview below
and also check their other remixes...
Thursday, 22 March 2012
InTerVieW WiTh GoBs oF ThE DeAD
aR-Yoooo Gobs how are you today? …Not that good I guess, since last time I checked you were dead!......
G-It's great being dead. Aside from the constant overwhelming hunger for brains, I've never felt better. You should try it.
aR-How did you first become a zombie and how does it feel to be one?
G-I was in a horrible car accident, and I woke up Dead. Memories of what happened that night are fuzzy. I've never been able to piece it together. Since then , I've made the most of the situation. I think I'm doing pretty well for a dead guy. Hmmm?
aR-How did the collaboration between Mike Dextro, Proper Villians and you come together? I understand they are not that much into this style of music.
G-We all love the tune. We wouldn't have finished it if that wasn't the case. It's just quite different for all of us. I've been focusing on Moombah sounds, PV is all about Dubstep right now, and Mike D has been busy working on his Baryshnikov project.
Originally, I laid down the percussion, and vocals, but I wanted help with the synths, so I passed it to Proper Villains. He came up with that killer main hook, and then passed it to Mike Dextro to finish the tune.
aR-Tell me about you, what is your background and what are your influences?
G-Well, I'll always be a raver at heart. I started out as a Gabber DJ, but became quite well known, in North America, as a Rave MC, so that became my main focus. I've always had a lot of love for anything with heavy bass, and I'm always interested in cutting edge music. After I died, I began focusing on producing and DJing. I've been living dead, now, for 5 years, and while my body has become increasingly more rotten, my producing continually gets better and better, as I learn more. This year, I'm planning to keep pushing Moombahcore, while also experimenting with Juke, Drumstep, and Electro resulting in my own unique sound that incorporates elements from my old Gabber roots.
aR-What was the first ever record that you bought and when did you start djing?
G-Shit, you're gonna age me with this question. Ha! I've been sort of DJing since I was 12, but I started collecting vinyl in '97. I honestly don't remember what my first one was, but I'm proud to say that I have one of the best 90s record collections ever!
aR-What do you look for in a beat? …and in a brain?
G-I like my beats the way I like my brains: BIG & JUICY!
aR-How would you describe your sound?
G-Monster Bass.
aR-Here is a techy one, what gear are you using? Are you an hardware type or you prefer plug-ins?
G-Let's get dorky! As far as DJing goes, I like pioneer products (CDJs and mixer). If I'm playing a club gig, I'll often use Serato. On the producing side, I'm completely software based. I engineer with Ableton. Since people ask me all the time, I should also mention that my visuals are put together in Final Cut Pro. Also, Apple products all the way. No PCs!
aR-What music is playing while:
a. You're eating someone's brain
G-Dead CAT Bounce (ft A Girl & A Gun) - Deadhouse (Falkirk Remix)
b. Your funeral...actually that’s been and gone, which record did they spin?
G-Aha - Take On Me. It was my favourite song, when I was alive and well. It's still one of the best music vids of all time.
aR-Finally give us a producer we should look up for 2012?
G-Keep a close ear on RSK
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
aLLriGhT - Knowhat A mean/Dreadlock Rock (aLrT001)
You probably already know the tracks, but in case you don’t here is a preview:
Including besides the originals from aLLriGhT, remixes from Brooklyn (NY) “Gobs The Zombie”
with his “Knowhat A Mean” moombahton version and SKZO mysterious producer from London (UK) (more info on who it might be coming soon) with a spooky version of "Dreadlock Rock".
Coming out with the release we crafted a video for the track “Knowhat A mean” using some footage from an old cop movie classic directed by William Friedkin “The French Connection”
in the movie (shoot in Brooklyn, Gobs will be pleased) there are many continuity mistakes as you can see on this page I found “The French Connection mistakes” what we tried to do in the editing is, revisit the part of the car chase trying to correct some of those mistakes, how is that for a challenge, see what we have come up with
“aLLriGhT – Knowhat A mean VIDEO”
And finally aLLriGhT has been selected to feature on “dj Koykka” ’s birthday podcast “Project 22 Candles”
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
"Alea iacta est"
Get yo mama high! by Allright on Mixcloud
aLLriGhT - Get yo mama high! (Dj Set) by aLLriGhT We hope you enjoy the listening as we enjoyed the doing, plus it will keep you up to speed on what to expect if you come to see us playing. And it looks like you won’t have to wait much longer as the next aLLriGhT ReCorDs party is scheduled to happen on February 24th 2012. The location is still our east base “The Russian Bar” and this time we have two new guests behind the mixer, electro house specialist Miky_B and warm up by Horse from DownUnder. I’ve listened to their sets and found them very refreshing, just the right tone that’s fits with the label standards .... and yes we’ll be closing the night as usual with a nice selection, including exclusive material soon to be released on aLLriGhT ReCorDs.Monday, 12 December 2011
New and old news...christmas is coming!
Friday, 30 September 2011
aLLriGhT ReCorDs CoMinG aT' Ya!

Allright....summer is over ... actually here in London summer has just started looking at the wheather ... yesterday I had to evacuate the studio coz it was just too hot to bare and you can't really stay indoors when it's sunny in UK!
Anyway I guess everyone is well tanned and still recovering from the summer parties and festivals as we are. Altough even if we have not posted anything on the blog for almost 3 months we have been very busy (sipping gin and juice...laaaid back...with no money on our minds and neither on our wallets) getting things working for our records label. Lots of tracks, lots of remixes, if everything goes as planned they should start to get released towards the end of this year. Just to anticipate a few names, our friends Phunx from Italy and Ass Shaker from France, two up and coming acts on the european dance scene, will be remixing two of our original tracks. So get ur ass ready!
Sunday, 3 July 2011
FirsT TiMe iN tHe FuTure
The result is a very pleasing half hour original video of "prehistoric" machines. Huge computers/calculators taking a all room of space, oddly shaped “cardboard boxes” emitting the strangest sounds, monitors featured in star trek episodes and lots of curiosities (ever wondered what Roger Water used to play “On The Run” on Pink Floyd’s Dark side?). The documentary is being screened around the world in various music events, you can find all about it in the dedicated website “What The Future Sounded Like”
We are big fans of old analog gear, even though, being so expensive, we don’t own much (just a few weeks ago Mike and I spent hours fiddling with some at a showcase in the shop “Rough Trade” in Brick Lane. In our last release “Seb Marx - My Boots (aLLriGhT Remix)” out from 4th of July on UK label “Gush Records” Seb Marx - My Boots (aLLriGhT RmX) by aLLriGhT we make some good use of an old Korg sound unit “Electribe EA-1” , a small mono analog synth very basic but that still produces really great fat sounds. Listen to the track and see if you can spot it!
Here is the film in 3 parts, “Peter Zinovieff” and “Tristram Cary” will give you the best insight on how it all started, in a feature where the word first comes about many times.
Hope you enjoy as much as we did aLLriGhT!
Luke aLLriGhT